How a medical recruitment agency can support locum doctors

Locum doctors

Earn more money, gain new skills, and travel for work - there are many benefits to locum work which is why some doctors choose to take on additional shifts around their full-time role or embrace the full-time locum lifestyle.

In the world of healthcare, locum doctors play an important role, offering their services across various settings, from public and private hospitals to aged care and specialised care services. A recruitment agency, especially one focused on health services, can be an invaluable partner for locum doctors, providing support, guidance, and opportunities tailored to their unique needs and preferences.

This is why many doctors choose to engage a locum agency and take advantage of the networks and strong relationships they offer.

Medrecruit is the largest locum recruitment agency in Australasia. With more than double the number of locum jobs than any other agency in Australasia.

If you are a doctor in Australia or New Zealand looking to locum - we can help - and our service is completely free for doctors. Here is a list of ways a locum agency supports its doctors.

1. Streamlining your job search

Locum doctors often face the challenge of finding positions that suit their skills, preferences, and schedule. A recruitment agency specialises in navigating these challenges, offering a curated list of opportunities across public and private sectors, including specialised areas like aged care. By understanding the individual preferences and strengths of each doctor, the agency can match them with roles that fit their career trajectory and personal life.

When you register with a medical recruitment agency, like Medrecruit, you get access to all the jobs we have on the books. You can browse them yourself or if you tell your Solutions Specialist what you are looking for they will go to work to find you the perfect opportunities.

2. The logistics

The paperwork and administrative aspects of locum work can be daunting. From credentialing to contract negotiations and compliance with local regulations, there's a lot to manage. A recruitment agency takes on these burdens, allowing doctors to focus on their clinical responsibilities. This support is important in ensuring that the locums are compliant and ready to work, alleviating stress and saving valuable time.

We take care of all of the logistics that come with locuming. We will assist you with your paperwork, liaise with the hospital, and organise all your travel and accommodation.

3. Taking care of any issues on the road

For locums, especially those working in different regions or countries, logistical aspects such as travel, accommodation, and local orientations are key. Recruitment agencies can provide essential support in these areas, ensuring a smooth transition between jobs and helping doctors acclimatise to new environments quickly and efficiently.

A symptom of travelling to new places and working in new environments is complications arising on the road. When you work with a medical recruitment agency our job is to foresee any problems so you have a smooth locum experience, and if a problem does arise on the road we will take care of it - so you don't have to.

4. Negotiating on your behalf

When you work with a locum agency you get a dedicated representative who is in your court. They will find the right jobs to suit your career or lifestyle needs and then they will negotiate your reimbursement.

5. Keeping your wellbeing in mind

Managing the logistics of locuming can be stressful (especially when you are trying to complete the shift as well as organise everything on your own). When you work with a medical recruitment agency, like Medrecruit, their job is to take care of all the stress. At Medrecruit the wellbeing of our doctors is of utmost importance so our Solutions Specialists will look out for you when booking jobs and make sure you have some time off for work/life balance in between shifts.

6. Facilitating professional development:

Recruitment agencies can help locum doctors access training programs and workshops, keeping you updated with the latest practices and technologies. This not only aids in personal growth but also ensures that you can provide the highest quality care to your patients.

7. Offer a free service and ongoing support

A good recruitment agency offers more than just job placements. It acts as a career advisor, providing guidance on various aspects of locum work, from salary expectations to work-life balance. Agencies often have dedicated consultants who understand the nuances of the healthcare industry, offering invaluable insights and support throughout the locum's career.

Our service is completely free for doctors. We support you in your first locum role and then we will be there to support you in your next one after that, and the next one after that!

For locum doctors, a recruitment agency is more than a mediator for job placements; it's a comprehensive support system that facilitates every aspect of their professional journey. From simplifying job searches to managing administrative tasks and offering continuous professional support, we are dedicated to helping locum doctors achieve a fulfilling and balanced career.

Our Solutions Specialists are there to support you at every stage of your life. As your lifestyle or career goals change they will find you the right roles to match.

Locum doctors are earning up to $4000/day. How does your salary compare? Find out in our free 2024 Australian Doctor Job Market Report.
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Medrecruit Editorial Team
29 November 2022Article by Medrecruit Editorial TeamMedrecruit Editor