Doctors first. Then jobs. That's our difference.

Life as a doctor demands you give everything. Dr Sam Hazledine learned this first as an intern. Years later Medrecruit was his response. Sam successfully lobbied the World Medical Association to amend the Declaration of Geneva (the modern-day Hippocratic Oath) to include:

I will attend to my own health, wellbeing, and abilities in order to provide care of the highest standard.

Medrecruit continue to advocate for, educate and work towards better health and wellbeing for all doctors. With a multitude of locum opportunities across Australia, there are countless ways to pursue a lifestyle and career that suits your needs.

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The team at Medrecruit made me feel like they genuinely cared about my satisfaction and wellbeing. I was contacted regularly to ensure I was happy with my placements!

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Abdul Sabih , RMO, Emergency Medicine
Locum doctor
Our Doctors
"In 2023, I want to do a bit of travel, working around Australia doing locuming, and some medicine overseas," Dr Huw John
Article by Jordy Black | 13 Nov 2022
Hottest AU locum jobs

Specialist Consultant

GP - Correctional / Judicial Health

  • New Town, Tasmania AU
  • Locum
  • $400 per hour
  • NOW ~ 02 May 2025
This public hospital is located in a beautiful part of Australia, offering a unique opportunity to work in a vibrant and diverse environment. Our hospital is a leader in providing quality healthcare services to the community, with a focus on mental health and wellbeing. We are looking for a docto...

Specialist Consultant

Surgery - Orthopaedic

  • North Tamworth, New South Wales AU
  • Locum
  • $3,750 per day
  • NOW ~ 29 Mar 2025
This public hospital in Australia is located in a bustling city that offers a unique blend of urban and rural living. The hospital is situated in a picturesque location surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery, providing a serene and peaceful environment for patients and staff alike. The hos...

Specialist Consultant

Surgery - Orthopaedic

  • North Tamworth, New South Wales AU
  • Locum
  • $3,750 per day
  • 26 Mar 2025 ~ 27 Mar 2025
This public hospital in Australia is located in a bustling city that offers a unique blend of urban and rural living. The hospital is situated in a picturesque location surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery, providing a serene and peaceful environment for patients and staff alike. The hos...
The perks of locuming with Medrecruit
Locum doctor's lifestyle
91% lifestyle improved

Get time back for the things you love outside of medicine, enhance your lifestyle, and reclaim work-life balance. But don't take our word for it, 91% of our locum doctors said their lifestyle was improved.

Medrecruit Image
Earn up to $4000/day

Locum doctors can earn fantastic rates with flexible hours and locations across Australia. No matter your future financial goals - locuming is a great way to boost your earnings.

Travel & accomodation covered
Travel & accomodation covered

For most placements, your travel and accommodation costs are covered. This means you get to explore new places with no cost to you.

Sydney Doctor Jobs
Featured Locations

From urban centres to rural communities, we have job opportunities across the diverse country of Australia. However, there are some major metropolises that often catch our doctors' eyes, take a look at some of these key locations and what they have to offer to achieve your career and lifestyle goals.

The possibilities of locuming
Locum doctor
Our Doctors
We caught up with Dr Li Will Chen to learn more about his experience locuming with Medrecruit.
Article by Jordy Black | 08 Dec 2023
Rural Generalist locum
Our Doctors
We caught up with Dr RJ to find out why he enjoys working as a rural GP in Australia's outback.
Article by Medrecruit Editorial Team | 10 Jun 2024
Locum doctor in Uganda
Our Doctors
Discover how Dr Jeklin balances locuming with Medrecruit with meaningful volunteer work in Uganda.
Article by Jordy Black | 19 Dec 2023

Looking for something different?

Not sure working as a locum doctor is the right fit for your medical career at present? We have a wide variety of permanent doctor jobs available across New Zealand and Australia. From vibrant city centers to idyllic rural communities, we offer the perfect opportunity for you to gain experience in your career and make a lasting impact.

Enjoy the stability of long-term employment while still satiating your passion for practicing medicine. Our extensive network of healthcare facilities and hospitals ensures that we can match your skills and interests to the ideal permanent role, providing a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Think permanent work might be the right fit for you?