You do the locum, we've got the logistics

Happy locum doctor

Job search, arduous scrolling through multiple sites

One hour lost

Then, when you finally find the locum job you want making all the arrangements (and of course, the paperwork!)

That's another 3 hours lost!

After that comes the flights, finding and booking accommodation, close to the hospital, of course...But where's close to the hospital? You better spend some time on Google and check out the region. You've never been to this small town before. You'll probably need to hire a car also.

That's another 2 hours lost!

Imagine if there was an easier way. You do the locum, we've got the logistics.

"Very helpful and friendly service. So far have been able to secure multiple placements and make the process easy," Dr Arden Roberts, Hutt Hospital

A medical recruitment agency, like Medrecruit, makes the locum process easy for doctors. We offer a completely free service that includes finding you locum jobs, assisting with paperwork, booking your travel and accommodation, and handling all your logistics.

"Professional and reliable communication, helpful, friendly, willing to help," Dr Matthew O'Brien, Mater Misericordiae Hospital.

This service extends into the placement. If any issues arise while you are on the road our team is on call to sort it all out for you.

Our mission is to make career wellbeing easy for doctors and this means you should never have to worry about logistics (especially when you could be saving lives!)

"Great way to locum. The staff were very engaging and prepared for every little element of the locum placement. Attention to detail and professionalism was second to none," Dr Andrew Thelander, Hobart Private Hospital

If you have not yet tried locum work. It could be your answer to a better work-life balance!

Work when and where you want. Want to start pursuing your passion and teach a yoga class in the middle of the day? Sure, go ahead.

Want to spend more time with your family? Now you can.

With locum work, the possibilities are endless. And the best part? No more having to use up all your annual leave just to take a well-deserved break. Locum work gives you the flexibility to take time off whenever you want, without sacrificing your income. So, goodbye to burning the candle at both ends, and hello to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

We offer an end-to-end support service for locum doctors, but don't just take our word for it, Dr Kuhan Padmanathan gave the below feedback after his locum at Waikato Hospital

  • Company caters towards work in New Zealand better than other competitors
  • Direct communication about the type of shifts, period, remuneration offered, and details on additional expenses inclusive
  • Contract clarification on different options concise
  • Open to suggestions and choices depending on availability
  • Streamline initial and follow-up credentialling appropriately and timely

If you are interested in starting locum work, or if you are a regular locum who never wants to worry about logistics again, we can help. From job search to travel and logistics, we offer a free career support service to doctors.

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Jordy Black
27 February 2023Article by Jordy BlackMedrecruit Editor