Doctor Job Interview Tips: How to prepare

Doctor in job interview

So you've finally submitted your CV, and you’ve been told you have an interview! Well done, the job is (almost) yours. But first, you’ve got to ace the interview.

To prepare for your interview it is important you make sure your references are in order and pre-plan some of your answers, but what to pre-plan you may be asking?

We help doctors across Australia and New Zealand find jobs every day and these are our top tips for preparing for your next interview.

1. Plan how you are going to convey your personal brand

An integral part of getting ready for your interview is preparing how you will introduce yourself and tell your ‘story’ so far. It may seem simple, after all, who knows you better than you? But under the pressure of an interview, you could get caught and say something you regret. These are some tips and tricks on creating your interview 'brand.'

  1. Explain your work history so far, which hospitals have you worked in? Where did you complete your medical degree?
  2. Next, discuss the key skills and expertise you have which directly relate to this opportunity, using measurable examples.
  3. Finally, describe why this role and this hospital or practice appeal to you. Do your research and include reasons that are specific to this role and establishment.

Once you’ve introduced yourself and spoken through your CV, you will likely be asked some common interview questions.

2. Learn how to use the star technique for situational interview questions

You may get asked to describe a time when you were faced with a high-stress or difficult situation and how you dealt with it. We are sure you will have no shortage of these! We recommend memorising a few that you could use as examples. The S.T.A.R technique is a good way to do this.

  1. Set the Situation
  2. Describe your Task and involvement
  3. Your Action
  4. Show off the Results

3. Plan your questions

This is where your might get stuck if they haven't planned in advance. There may not be anything that you need to know, but it is always a good look to ask a few questions. We recommend having a few prepared - the best part about this is you only have to remember the question and let them provide the answer.

Some ideas include:

  1. The role: Can you tell me more about the role? What are the primary responsibilities of this position?
  2. The team: What is the team dynamic like within the department/practice?
  3. The hiring manager: Why do you love working at this hospital?
  4. Personal development: What are the opportunities for professional development and advancement within the organisation?
  5. The organisation: What is the hospital's mission or ideology?
  6. Schedule: What is the work schedule like and what is the call schedule?
  7. Support: What are the support resources available for doctors within the organisation?
  8. The next steps: What are the next steps from here?

4. Mindset tactics

It's important to do some mind-clearing activities to ensure you are mentally rested and ready to go for your interview

Some ideas include:

  1. Clear your mind Go for a run or a walk, or do something you love like art or cooking to make sure you have a clear mind for the next day. Mental clarity will help you answer tomorrow's questions with ease and without overthinking.

  2. Have a positive mindset A positive mindset has many benefits including lower stress levels and more energy - both of which are helpful for a job interview. It also means that you have optimistic expectations about outcomes and imagine yourself succeeding. Having this outlook will give you more courage to succeed and manifest your desired outcome.

  3. Try meditation Meditation before an interview can help calm nerves and reduce anxiety, allowing for greater focus and clarity during the interview. It can also improve overall mental well-being and boost confidence, leading to a more successful interview experience.

  4. Don't be a stranger Reach out to your recruiter and ask any questions that you have. We are always happy to help our doctors before their interviews. It is likely that your dedicated Solution Specialists has worked with many other doctors applying for similar roles or in similar situations and they are there to guide you every step of the way

  5. Rationalise your fears Remember that your interviewer is just another person, looking your interviewer up is a great way to confirm this and also get to know them a bit in advance.

5. Make sure you are well-rested and have a healthy meal the night before your interview

The good news is that if you're working with a medical recruitment agency your consultant can help guide you through every step of this process.

Want more information? Register with Medrecruit and one of our dedicated solution specialists will be in touch.

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Medrecruit Editorial Team
09 May 2023Article by Medrecruit Editorial TeamMedrecruit Editor