Can UK doctors work in New Zealand?

IMG's New Zealand

Thinking of taking your medical career to New Zealand?

Whether you are after work-life balance or a family-friendly lifestyle, New Zealand has a lot to offer UK doctors. Modern medical systems and the great lifestyle are just some of the reasons doctors look for jobs in Australasia.

In Australia and New Zealand, doctors who received their qualifications overseas are often known as International Medical Graduates (IMGs) and this is a term you’ll see a lot, both here and on official government documentation.

Our team is dedicated to IMGs, who can help you determine available opportunities. Many of them moved from the UK themselves so they understand what it is like to move your career and life across to the other side of the world.

Typically, your registration pathway depends on your circumstances, such as where you completed your primary medical degree, the countries where you have clinical experience, and if you’re a specialist or junior doctor.

To practice in New Zealand, you must be registered with MCNZ (New Zealand). For UK IMGs, this is achievable via several pathways (or routes), and your eligibility is determined by your clinical background. Determining eligibility for registration can be mind-boggling, but it’s an essential first step. We’ve compiled the information below to help you understand the options available.

UK non-specialist doctor pathway to New Zealand

You may be eligible for the Competent Authority Pathway. This is the most common pathway for non-specialist doctors to gain registration in New Zealand. You can apply for full general registration after six months of provisional general supervision.

UK specialist doctor pathway to New Zealand

To work as a specialist in New Zealand, you must have an appropriate specialist qualification. MCNZ will compare your training, qualifications, and experience to those of a New Zealand-trained and vocationally registered doctor in the same area of medicine. These assessments aren’t cheap and don’t guarantee you a job offer, but they’re an essential step. VOC3 Vocational (specialist) pathway is the most common route to medical registration and is a merit-based system. If you have the proper credentials, the Special Purpose – The Locum Tenens pathway is an excellent option if you’re interested in a fixed-term position of up to 12 months. In some cases, you can apply for both paths. Your Solutions Specialist can help you navigate your options.

Find out everything you need to know about moving to Australia or New Zealand in our free IMG Guide.
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What's the lifestyle like in New Zealand?

The work-life balance offered by Australia and New Zealand makes them popular IMG destinations with doctors from the UK and other countries. New Zealand offers a unique, enriching lifestyle that balances work with relaxation and adventure. Known for its stunning landscapes, from serene beaches to vibrant cities, New Zealand provides ample opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, and water sports, making it an ideal setting for those seeking a healthy, active lifestyle. The country is also renowned for its friendly and welcoming community, ensuring that IMGs feel at home. In addition, New Zealand boasts a high standard of living with excellent healthcare facilities and a strong support network for IMGs to ease their transition and integration.

UK vs. NZ health systems

The healthcare systems in the UK and New Zealand, while providing high care standards have distinct differences. New Zealand's health system is more decentralised, offering services through District Health Boards across the North and South Islands. Medical education follows a similar structure to the UK but often with a greater emphasis on community and rural health. The Medical Council of New Zealand requires all medical practitioners to be registered, ensuring standards that UK doctors find familiar yet uniquely adapted to local needs.

Hear from other UK doctors who have made the move:

Dr Fraser Smith recently moved from England to live and work as a GP in New Zealand.

"It’s been an incredible experience and an opportunity not to be missed. There’s a healthy work-life balance and so much to explore!"

Read Dr Fraser Smith's story here.

Dr Hannah Todd is a 28-year-old paediatric registrar. In August 2022, she relocated from the UK with her Husband to work as a doctor in New Zealand in the beachside city of Tauranga, Bay of Plenty. When her partner was offered a job in New Zealand in aquaculture, Medrecuit helped Hannah find a job in paediatrics.

"I have to admit our life in New Zealand is pretty sweet: we live a 2-minute walk from the beach, a 40-minute cycle from work, and an hour's drive from the geothermal spas and mountain biking in Rotorua."

Dr Nicky Anto is a general practitioner (GP) who recently moved to New Zealand to escape burnout, seeking a better work-life balance, and a more outdoorsy lifestyle.

That elusive, beautiful unicorn of a concept called ‘Work-Life Balance’ I mentioned earlier? Turns out it exists after all! I work three days a week, have the energy to meditate and exercise most days, have lost 12 kg (intentionally; fear not, fellow medics), and go exploring or hiking most weekends.

How a medical recruitment agency can help you make the move

How a Medical Recruitment Agency Can Help UK Doctors Work in New Zealand

A medical recruitment agency can be invaluable for UK doctors looking to live and work in New Zealand. We assist with administrative tasks such as registering with the Medical Council of New Zealand. However, it's about more than just the registration process; we will also help you settle in, including providing information on where the best schools are, setting up a bank account, and doing everything possible to make the transition smoother. We provide insights into the healthcare system, help secure positions suited to your specialisation, and guide you through moving to and starting work in New Zealand. With our deep understanding of the local medical landscape, we can place you in roles where your skills are most needed, from bustling North Island cities to the scenic South Island.

To find out more, register with Medrecruit. Once registered, you’ll be able to see and search for job opportunities, and if it’s the right time for you, we’ll connect you with a Solutions Specialist.

We know that it's a big move, that's why we will provide you with everything you need to know about visas, medical registration, and life in New Zealand so that you are set up for a successful relocation.

Together, you’ll discuss your options and take your first steps toward medical registration in Australia or New Zealand.

Medrecruit Editorial Team
21 May 2024Article by Medrecruit Editorial TeamMedrecruit Editor