Moving to New Zealand as a doctor

Doctor in NZ

Dr Hannah Todd is 28-year-old paediatric registrar, in August this year she relocated from the UK with her Husband, to work as a doctor in New Zealand in the beachside city of Tauranga. When her partner was offered a job in New Zealand in aquaculture, Medrecuit helped Hannah find a job in paediatrics.

Working as a doctor has been something Hannah "always wanted to do." Originally from Glasgow, Hannah studied at St Andrews and Dundee universities and then returned to Glasgow for her foundation training.

We caught up with Hannah to find out what it is like moving to the other side of the world to live and work as a doctor.

1. Why did you decide to move to New Zealand as a doctor?

I am currently in paediatrics training in Glasgow. My partner was encouraged to take an opportunity with his work in aquaculture in New Zealand. We had always wanted to live abroad for a year and New Zealand seemed the perfect change - lots of outdoor activities combined with better weather than Glasgow. I was lucky enough to have my out-of-programme year approved.

2. How did you find Medrecruit and how did they assist you in the move?

A friend of mine recommended Medrecruit after I initially planned to move to New Zealand and struggled to get any responses from contacts at the various hospitals. I had not realised recruitment agencies were an option for this. As soon as I got in contact with Jessica from Medrecruit the whole process was extremely smooth from start to finish. I was really impressed by how quickly the interviews and job offers were lined up!

I was even put in touch with a couple of registrars who worked at the hospitals I was considering applying to and was able to discuss how they found living and working in these areas. We found the immigration advice provided extremely beneficial as things become a little more complicated when travelling with a partner.

3. What was the process like relocating to New Zealand with your partner?

I have to admit our life in New Zealand is pretty sweet: we live a 2-minute walk from the beach, a 40-minute cycle from work, and an hour's drive from the geothermal spas and mountain biking in Rotorua.

I really enjoyed travelling with my partner, particularly his company on the long flights! The only slight complication was the withdrawal of the visas we were due to apply for just prior to our arrival and the switch to the accredited employer work visa. He was able to travel with me but unfortunately, this added a 2-month delay to his being able to start work while we waited for the partnership visa to be approved.

4. What are the favourite places you've visited or things you've done in New Zealand?

My favourite place so far has been Waiheke - cycling around the island between the multiple vineyards and beaches. Another favourite weekend was the contrasting opportunities of skiing in Mount Ruapehu on Saturday and swimming in the ocean in Tauranga on Sunday. We still haven't made it to the South Island though so watch this space!

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Jordy Black
22 November 2022Article by Jordy BlackMedrecruit Editor