Can UK doctors work in Australia?

UK doctors moving to Australia

Thinking of taking your medical career to Australia?

Australia has a lot to offer UK doctors. Modern medical systems a lavish lifestyle, and the ability to earn great money are just some of the reasons UK doctors look for jobs in Australia.

The prospect of practising medicine in Australia can be both exciting and challenging for UK doctors seeking new opportunities and experiences. Australia's high quality of life, favourable climate, and advanced healthcare system make it an attractive destination for medical professionals worldwide.

There is a demand for all doctors, including more specialists, especially GPs, to work in regional, rural, and remote areas of Australia.

Requirements for UK doctors moving to Australia

UK doctors must have their qualifications recognised and registered through the Australian Medical Board to work in Australia. The process often involves verification of qualifications and sometimes additional assessments or examinations, depending on the type of registration required.

In Australia, doctors who received their qualifications overseas are often known as International Medical Graduates (IMGs), and this is a term you’ll see a lot, both here and on official government documentation.

For UK doctors looking to practise in Australia, it is essential to understand the various regulatory bodies involved in the process. The General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), along with the Medical Board of Australia, play an important role in the accreditation and registration of medical professionals. To work in Australia, UK doctors must obtain the qualifications and registrations from the Australian Medical Council (AMC).

Transitioning from the UK to Australia

The first step for UK doctors, especially those who have completed their Doctor of Medicine or Undergraduate Degree in Medical Schools approved by the Australian Medical Board, is to apply for a visa. The Department of Health in Australia has specific pathways for medical professionals that simplify obtaining work visas.

Typically, your registration pathway depends on your circumstances, such as where you completed your primary medical degree, the countries where you have clinical experience, and if you’re a specialist or junior doctor.

To practice in Australia, you must be registered with AHPRA. For IMGs, this is achievable via several pathways (or routes), and your clinical background determines your eligibility.

The process of registration

Finding out if you are eligible for registration can be mind-boggling, but it’s an essential first step. Below we breakdown the pathway for specialists, non-specialists, GPs and medical officers looking to work in Australia.

UK non-specialist doctor pathway to working in Australia

You are eligible for the Competent Authority Pathway if you completed your medical training in the UK or Ireland. This is the most common pathway for non-specialist doctors. You’ll be able to gain provisional registration in Australia if you get a job offer. Your job offer must include 12 months of supervised practice with an AHPRA-approved supervisor. Once you have completed this, you can apply for full, unrestricted registration. If you are confident you are eligible for this pathway, Medrecruit can help you find a suitable job offer and walk you through your move to Australia. Register here to get started.

UK specialist doctor pathway to working in Australia

To work as a specialist in Australia, you’ll need an appropriate specialist or postgraduate training qualification first. You’ll need to apply to the relevant specialist college for an assessment of your qualifications. This examines how your qualifications and experience compare to Australian-trained specialists. This outcome will let you know which path to take toward medical registration. This isn’t cheap and does not guarantee a job offer, but it is an essential step.

There are two main pathways to registration:

  • The Specialist Pathway is the most common.
  • Some doctors may be eligible for the Short-Term Training Pathway, where registration is granted for a maximum of two years.

General Practitioners and Medical Officers

For General Practitioners and Medical Officers, the move to Australia can be particularly lucrative. The country offers a variety of settings, from urban centers to remote rural communities, where doctors are in high demand. This opens up numerous opportunities to practice in diverse environments and contribute significantly to community health.


This AHPRA flowchart can be used as a general guide for all doctors, helping establish what you need to do when applying for registration as an international medical graduate. Please read the information below carefully, as applying for registration has different steps depending on your circumstances, qualifications, and profession

Studying medicine in Australia

For those UK doctors who wish to further their studies or specialise, Australia offers numerous well-regarded medical universities and training hospitals. The experience of studying medicine in Australia can provide UK doctors with a new perspective on medical practices and patient care.

Cultural adaptation for international doctors in Australia

Adapting to a new culture and healthcare system can be challenging for UK doctors moving to Australia. To ensure a smooth transition, investing time in understanding the nuances of Australian culture and the expectations within the medical profession is essential. Building relationships with local colleagues and engaging in social activities foster a sense of belonging and support during this adaptation period.

Find out everything you need to know about moving to Australia or New Zealand in our free IMG Guide.
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Building a professional network in Australia

Networking and relationship-building are important components of a successful medical career in Australia. Joining professional associations, attending conferences, and participating in workshops can help UK doctors expand their professional networks and stay updated with the latest developments in their field. Engaging in volunteering opportunities or mentoring programs can also enhance one's employability and reputation within the Australian medical community.

Enhancing your employability as an international doctor in Australia

UK doctors can enhance their employability in Australia by pursuing additional learning and development opportunities. Undertaking further studies, obtaining specialist qualifications, or participating in research projects can demonstrate your commitment to professional growth and distinguish you from other candidates. Staying abreast of local health policies and trends will also help you better navigate the Australian healthcare system and improve your overall effectiveness as a medical professional.

Life in Australia

Moving to Australia as a doctor involves more than just professional adjustments. It also means adapting to a new culture and lifestyle. Australia's vibrant cities, stunning natural landscapes, and generally warm climate offer a wonderful backdrop for both personal and professional life.

Metropolitan or rural living: UK doctors in Australia can live in bustling metropolitan areas such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane or in peaceful, rural locations.

Excellent healthcare facilities: With world-class healthcare facilities and a thriving medical sector, IMGs in Australia have access to the latest medical technologies and treatments.

Access to support: To help IMGs navigate the registration process and adjust to life in Australia, international doctor recruitment agencies, like Medrecruit, provide support and advice.

From urban centres to rural communities, we have job opportunities across the diverse country of Australia. You can explore some of our major cities below:

Finding a doctor job in Australia

Finding a job in Australia can be a daunting task for international doctors. However, various resources and platforms can help streamline the process. Websites like SEEK and Indeed offer extensive listings for medical positions, while professional networks and recruitment agencies can provide valuable connections and guidance. Tailoring your CV and cover letter to the Australian job market is important, as well as highlighting your skills, experience, and qualifications that align with the specific role.

We have a dedicated team who suppoert IMGs. They can help you to determine the opportunities available to you, and many of them migrated to Australasia from the UK themselves. Hence, they have first-hand experience they will be able to share. Our service is free for doctors; if you think you might be eligible to work in Australia, register here to chat.

How a medical recruitment agency can help

Relocating overseas to pursue a medical career is a significant undertaking, and the backing of a medical recruitment agency can be helpful. Medrecruit features a specialised IMG team comprised of individuals who've personally navigated moving to New Zealand (Australia's neighbour), ready to provide authentic advice on transitioning to life "Down Under." What's more, our service is completely free for doctors. To find out more about working as an IMG in Australia, register, and one of our IMG team will be in touch to discuss opportunities and set you up for a successful relocation.

IMGs in Australia are in high demand, with a large and diverse healthcare sector offering numerous opportunities for professional growth and development. Whether you're looking for a metropolitan lifestyle or a peaceful rural existence, Australia has something to offer every IMG.

Together, you’ll discuss your options and take your first steps toward medical registration in Australia or New Zealand.

Working as a UK doctor in Australia presents numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. By understanding the job application process, adapting to the local culture, building a professional network, and actively engaging in learning and development, UK doctors can successfully establish themselves within the Australian healthcare landscape. With the right approach and mindset, this experience can be rewarding and fulfilling, opening doors to new possibilities. The work/life balance offered by Australia and New Zealand make them popular IMG destinations with doctors from the UK and other countries.

UK doctors looking to move to Australia will find a welcoming environment with ample opportunities for career advancement and personal growth. Whether it’s transitioning into a role as a general practitioner, taking up a specialty, or pursuing further medical education, Australia provides a platform for UK doctors to enhance their careers and experience life "Down Under."

We know it's a big move, so we will provide you with everything you need to know about visas, medical registration, and life in Australia to set you up for a successful relocation.

Medrecruit Editorial Team
15 February 2024Article by Medrecruit Editorial TeamMedrecruit Editor