Meet the Anaesthetic Consultant who also runs his own olive grove

Medrecruit locum consultant

Meet Dr Andrew Liley

Dr Andrew Liley is an Anaesthetic Consultant and Medrecruit locum doctor who also runs his own olive grove in the Wairarapa region, an area that is known for its vineyards, stunning coastal scenery, and charm.

We caught up with Dr Liley to chat about how the flexibility of locum work allows him to pursue his dream of working as a doctor and creating award-winning olive oil.

“I always wanted to be a doctor. I can never remember wanting to do anything else. I was probably influenced by the Carry On films and similar” explained Liley.

Andy worked as a paediatric anaesthetist for 23 years until he decided it was time for a change. So, in January 2021, he bought an olive grove in the Wairarapa and now grows olives and produces his own award-winning olive oil.

This was when he reached out to Medrecruit as locum work provided him with the flexibility he needed both to work as a doctor and run his new business, Juno Olives.

A new chapter with Medrecruit

“Being a locum allows me to keep my skill up to an acceptable level, keep my registration current and, in these COVID times, allows me to have an income to smooth out the ups and downs of working in primary industry. It's a complete contrast to move from the immediate gratification of anaesthesia to being at the whim of seasons and weather.”

Before starting his olive business, Andy worked at Starship as a specialist anaesthetist, “after 13 great years, it was time for a change.” This was how he ended up in his most recent placement at Rotorua Hospital on the North Island of New Zealand. Rotorua is famous for its geothermal activity, Maori culture, bubbling geysers, and rainforest surroundings. However, Andrew could only do moderate exploration due to Covid-19. “I was only there for one week I went out for daily walks to keep the mind centered. I went up this time on my motorcycle but might go in the car next time and take my mountain bike with me for exercise.”

He describes the process with Medrecruit as “a breeze” “Apart from the usual form filling in, which I hate (you only have to ask my wife), Roxie was super helpful and made the process effortless.”

What's next for Andy?

Andy’s latest placement will see him working regularly at The Hutt Hospital in Wellington over the coming month, as it allows him the flexibility to be close to home and the olive grove whilst also locuming with Medrecruit.

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Jordy Black
28 February 2022Article by Jordy BlackMedrecruit Editor