Emergency doctor champions fight against cancer with pedometers

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In 2022, a staggering daily average of 440 Australians received a cancer diagnosis. The vast magnitude of this statistic is daunting, but one emergency doctor, Ash Bowden, popularly known as "Doctor Do More," believes the solution begins with a single step. Quite literally.

Dr Bowden has initiated an innovative movement, #MoveAgainstCancer, urging all Australians to step up – both metaphorically and physically. The annual challenge beckons participants to form teams, wear pedometers, and track their steps throughout the month of September. While the immediate perception might be of a fun activity, the underlying intent is profoundly more significant.

Research, including studies by Novant Health and the National Cancer Institute, reveals that increasing our step count can decrease the risk of 13 distinct types of cancer by over 20%. Some of these include prevalent ones like colon, breast, and lung cancers.

Dr Bowden enthusiastically shared, "Moving more has unparalleled health benefits – from reduced cancer risks, decreased cardiorespiratory disease probabilities, to enhanced cognition. The icing on the cake? It's a colossal boon for mental well-being."

In a world grappling with a pandemic and financial tumult, mental health has taken a hit. With heightened stress and climbing interest rates, many have started perceiving activities like exercise as "luxuries." Dr. Bowden, however, believes the contrary. "Staying active, especially outdoors, is pivotal. It's our buffer against mental health struggles and propels us towards positivity," he remarked.

He's not alone in this belief. The Cancer Council promotes an hour of moderate activity, like brisk walking, daily to mitigate several cancer risk factors. "It sounds minimal, but it's transformative. From cancer prevention, to treatment endurance, to post-recovery phases, it makes a difference," adds Dr Bowden.

The 2023 edition of #MoveAgainstCancer marks its fourth year. It has already garnered a robust legacy – raising over $165,000, and engaging more than 2,000 participants. This year, Dr. Bowden aspires to break all past participation records. "The challenge is simple and achievable. Want to get active? Just start with a walk," he encourages.

What makes the campaign even more heartening is its philanthropic angle. Funds raised by participants will directly benefit the Cancer Council, ensuring that those diagnosed with cancer are not alone in their battle.

The challenge commences on Friday, September 1st and culminates on Saturday, September 30th. At a nominal fee of $10, you can register and join the fight against cancer, one step at a time.

#MoveAgainstCancer 2023 is proudly sponsored by Smile On Clinics and Industree Group Australia among a handful of wonderful local sponsors including the team here at Medrecruit.

Register for #MoveAgainstCancer via this link.

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Jordy Black
13 August 2023Article by Jordy BlackMedrecruit Editor