What does the Rural Doctors Association of Australia do?

The Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) is a professional body that supports rural doctors and their communities. They represent the interests of rural doctors on national issues by engaging with governments at all levels. They also advocate for doctors by promoting Rural Generalism to medical students, interns, and GPs, identifying training issues, and facilitating peer support.

Working as a rural doctor in Australia offers a range of benefits both professionally and personally, including great rates and support from the RDAA. Rural doctors in Australia do get paid more overall.

The RDAA covers Rural GPs, Rural Generalists, and Consultant Specialists (resident and visiting) that provide ongoing medical services in areas described by the Modified Monash Model (MMM) as rural, remote, or very remote.

Working with communities

Engaging with health and non-health stakeholders to improve health outcomes for rural communities is one of the key points of focus at the RDAA. They also provide representation and hold meetings with local health district boards and public health network boards. In addition to working with the communities, they also advocate for higher salaries.

Branches of the RDAA

Each state in Australia has its own branch of the RDAA - there are seven state and territory bodies that work together with the RDAA. They also convene a number of special interest groups, which are free to join for any RDAA members.

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Jessica Allen
22 July 2022Article by Jessica AllenMedrecruit Editor
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