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Looking for your next career opportunity in cardiology? See urgent and upcoming cardiology jobs right here. Gain new skills and develop your career with a permanent or locum cardiology job in Australia or New Zealand.

4 Cardiology Registrar jobs found

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  • Lismore, New South Wales AU
  • Locum
  • $160 per hour
  • 29 Jul 2024 ~ 06 Aug 2024
Extraordinary natural beauty, a relaxed lifestyle and amazing cultural diversity lure many to this town in the heart of the far north coast of NSW. A high concentration of artists and creatives add a distinct flair and the rich surrounding farmland is known for its coffee, avocados, beef produc...



  • Bruce, Australian Capital Territory AU
  • Locum
  • $160 per hour
  • 05 Aug 2024 ~ 03 Nov 2024
Catch a game and enjoy a vibrant lifestyle in this desirable location northwest of Australia’s capital city. Join other young professionals, singles, families and students eager to live in this suburb, an intellectual hub and the location of the Canberra Stadium, Aquatic Centre, and Australian ...



  • Coffs Harbour, New South Wales AU
  • Locum
  • $100 per hour
  • NOW ~ 09 Aug 2024
Live the dream of sun, sand and surf in Coffs Harbour on the highly popular New South Wales north coast.  With a population of over 72,000, the city has all the advantages of urban living while offering a superb outdoor lifestyle, great climate, and handy location on the Pacific Highway. Work i...



  • Wellington, North Island NZ
  • Locum
  • $90 per hour
  • NOW ~ 28 Jul 2024
This 484-bed Regional Hospital is the region’s main emergency and only trauma service, with a rooftop helipad providing a link to surgical, intensive care, neonatal intensive care and emergency services. Location information With this opportunity, you will find yourself in New Zealand’s vibrant...

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